The Best Podcasts for Authors: The Ultimate Guide

two authors sit by a microphone recording a podcast.

Looking for some podcast recommendations for authors?

Here you’ll find a list of the best podcasts for authors with links.

These podcasts offer you great tips on writing and publishing, conversations and author interviews, roundups of author conferences, helpful information on author platform building, book marketing, and publicity, and plenty of inspiration and motivation.

There’s a little something for everyone on this list!

Whether you’re on your first book or your eighth book, whether you call yourself a self-published author, an indie author, or a traditionally-published author (or want to), these podcasts are for you!

If you’re looking for (live) video or full transcripts of these podcasts, visit the podcast’s website, search YouTube or Facebook, or do an online search. Some of these are available in video format, too.

Yes, I have listened to episodes from each of these podcasts!

Scroll down for a listing of defunct author podcasts that are well worth a listen.

Writing a nonfiction book or wanting to?

Get your FREE Author Resource Guide and start getting helpful tips, how-tos, and helpful info to help you write, publish, and promote your work of art! I got you!

(This resource is geared toward American authors—self-published or traditionally published.)

Now, here’s your ultimate guide to the best podcasts for authors. The list is in no particular order. Enjoy!

Six Figure Authors

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Six Figure Authors is the show that helps you take your writing career to the next level. Lindsay Buroker, Jo Lallo, and Andrea Pearson are sharing their own insights, as authors who’ve been publishing since the beginning of the e-reader revolution, and they’re also interviewing industry experts and other successful authors to help you figure out what’s working right now.


Listen if: you want to learn the ropes and learn more about marketing from full-time, successful self-published authors who are generous and specific with their advice and insights.

Format: conversational; interviews and round-ups by co-hosts

New episodes: weekly, on Thursdays

Episode length: 60–90 minutes

Best episodes:
Jan. 14, 2021 / SFA 073: What to Do if You’re Not Making a Profit from Your Books
Mar. 19, 2020 / SFA 030: Dealing with Burnout, Self-Doubt, and Comparisonitis
Oct. 31, 2019 / SFA 010: Increasing Productivity Through Outlining, Efficient Editing, and Dictation
Oct. 10, 2019 / SFA 006: Author Marketing, Craft, and Productivity

Wish I’d Known Then . . . For Writers

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Join authors Jami Albright and Sara Rosett as they interview indie authors about how they found success as well as what they've learned from their mistakes.


Listen if: you’d like to listen in on two friends talking about how to succeed as indie authors, sharing their experiences, and generously giving their advice.

Format: conversational with interviews by hosts

New episodes: weekly, on Tuesdays

Episode length: 60–75 minutes

Best episodes:
Apr. 6, 2021: 060 – Jami and Sara Dish on Newsletters and Answer Other Burning Questions
Oct. 20, 2020: 037 – Q & A: Developmental Editing, Going Wide, and Marketing Tips
Aug. 18, 2020: 031 – How to Get and Use Book Reviews

Self-Publishing with Dale

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Learn how to publish books that sell and build an unstoppable author brand. The Self-Publishing with Dale Podcast is devoted to teaching you relevant and up-to-date information in the world of self-publishing. [The show’s YouTube channel sorts the episodes into topics including Self-Publishing Online, Self-Publishing Audiobooks, Self-Publishing on Amazon, Book Marketing & Promotional Strategies, and more.]


Listen if: You’re looking for quick, focused insights on various topics relating to self-publishing.

Format: solo/monologue

New episodes: weekly, on Mondays

Episode length: 20–25 minutes

Best episodes:
Mar. 29, 2021 / Why Best-Selling Books on Amazon are a Farce
Dec. 7, 2020 / Amazon Keyword Optimization | How to Leverage KDP Metadata
Mar. 8, 2020 / How to Rapidly Write & Publish High-Quality Books

Self Publishing School

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | YouTube

Learn how to write a book that grows your business. Every week, [Chandler Bolt] interview[s] your favorite authors—the most successful authors on the planet—to see how they write & launch their books and to learn how they use books to grow their business.

Listen if: you want to hear big-name nonfiction authors talk about how they did it, you’re interested in self-publishing, or you want to know how a book can help you sell other products and services.

Format: interviews by solo host

New episodes: weekly, on Thursdays

Episode length: 40–60 minutes

Best episodes:
May 6, 2020 (SPS 052): Traditional vs. Self Publishing: . . . with Ruth Soukup (And How I Sold 500,000 Copies Of My Self Published Book)
Feb. 13, 2018 (SPS 042): Writing Words That Sell Your Books with Ray Edwards
Oct. 17, 2017 (SPS 025): You Are a Writer, So Start Acting Like One with Jeff Goins
Aug. 15, 2017 (SPS 016): My Exact Process for Writing 16 Books with Joanna Penn

Minorities in Publishing

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Minorities in Publishing is a podcast founded in 2014 by writer and editor Jenn Baker. It’s a platform for discussing diversity—or the lack thereof—in the publishing industry at large, talking to authors about their process, and other aspects of the literary scene.


Listen if: you’d like to learn more about everything related to diversity in the publishing industry, especially the complexities and nuances resulting from the lack of diversity in it and the ways in which people are challenging the status quo.

Format: interviews by solo host

New episodes: monthly

Episode length: 30–60 minutes

Best episodes:
May 13, 2020 / Episode 99: Interview with Hannah Oliver Depp
July 16, 2019 / Episode 89: Interview with Tanisha C. Ford
Mar. 5, 2018 / Episode 73: Interview with Jalissa Corrie & Bianca Salvant
Aug. 23, 2016 / Episode 44: "Realities of Publishing" Panel (Career Segment)

Self Publishing Insiders

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | YouTube

Each week, Self Publishing Insiders features an interview with a new guest, covering self-publishing topics from writing and craft to marketing and promoting your books, and anything that can help you build and grow your author career. Learn about new tools, new software, new markets—and of course, all the inside information that D2D can provide! Join us [hosts Kevin Tumlinson, Mark Leslie Lefebrve, and Dan Wood], and get your questions answered during the live broadcast, when you visit!

Listen if: you’re an author looking for an edge in self-publishing, or you want to ask a question during a live event.

Format: interviews by host(s)

New episodes: weekly, on Thursdays

Episode length: 45–60 minutes

Best episodes:
September 10, 2020 / E14: Audiobooks for Authors with Findaway Voices’ Will Dages
August 27, 2020 / E12: Making a Career Out of Writing with Patricia McLinn

June 25, 2020 / E3: David Gaughran - Marketing Your Books with Facebook and BookBub Ads

Writers, Ink

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A podcast for about the business of writing with two self-published authors and one self- and traditionally-published author.


Listen if: If you’re looking for great interviews and insights; if you’ve listened to and enjoyed The Career Author Podcast, if you’re interested in hearing from horror novelists.

Format: discussions between hosts and interviews

New episodes: weekly, on Mondays (show occasionally goes on hiatus)

Episode length: 45–60 minutes

Best episodes:
May 31, 2021 / Question and Answer Episode
Mar 29, 2021 / Why You Need a Mailing List
Nov 30, 2020 / The Thinning Line Between Indie and Traditional Publishing
Apr. 20, 2020 / Beating Resistance with Steven Pressfield and Shawn Coyne

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

A podcast for all writers (aspiring to professional) looking to find a healthy work/life/writing balance. Get the encouragement, honest advice, and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and write every day.

Listen if: you’re looking for variety and inspiration and if the show description appeals to you, because it delivers on what it promises.

Format: solo/monologue and interviews

New episodes: weekly, on Mondays (show occasionally goes on hiatus)

Episode length: 25–45 minutes

Best episodes:
Apr. 23, 2020: My Creative Process – WNP 080
July 22, 2019: Finishing What You Start – WNP 072
Mar. 25, 2019: Putting Yourself Out There – WNP 068
Feb. 19, 2018: Coffee Break 063: Monica Leonelle

Kobo Writing Life Podcast

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | YouTube (audio)

The Kobo Writing Life Podcast [with Joni Di Placido and Stephanie McGrath] features exciting interviews with bestselling authors, tips on the craft and business of writing, and advice for successfully self-publishing.

Listen if: you’re interested in hearing self-published authors discuss their work and their author journey and learning about Kobo’s self-publishing platform.

Format: interviews by co-hosts

New episodes: weekly, usually on Tuesdays

Episode length: 30–60 minutes

Best episodes:
July 7, 2020 / #203: Establishing Your Author Brand with Dana Kaye
Mar. 31, 2020 / #190: Finding the Motivation to Become a Published Author with Glenn Dyer
Mar. 17, 2020 / #188: Writing Advice and Finishing Your First Draft with Andrew David MacDonald
Dec. 11, 2019 / #174: Original Content with Audiobook Expert Michelle Kaatz

Podcasts that are no longer actively posting new content but that are well worth a listen

Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Reach your writing goals and make significant progress (and have fun!) by being more curious, creative, and productive. Ann provides practical tips and motivation for writers at all stages, keeping most episodes short and focused. . . . She incorporates interviews from publishing professionals to include additional insight.

Listen if: you’re looking for a wide range of solutions to help your write better and you want that advice in a short episode.

Format: solo/monologue with occasional interviews

New episodes: monthly (usually) (aired from

Episode length: 6–15 minutes (solo), 45–60 minutes (interviews)

Best episodes:
Jan. 31, 2020 / Ep 220: How to Get Your Nonfiction Book Traditionally Published
Feb. 17, 2020 / Ep 221: What’s a Book Proposal (and why do I need one?)
Jan. 17, 2020 / Ep 219: Build Your Platform: To Be More Findable, Find Your People
Feb. 5, 2019 / Ep 184: [Interview] Jennifer Dukes Lee – Author, Acquisitions Editor


Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | YouTube

Kevin Tumlinson, Bestselling and Award-Winning Thriller Author, talks to authors and entrepreneurs to get their behind-the-scenes story.


Listen if: you’re looking for a down-to-earth host with a laid back style who highlights books in a variety of genres and gives tips for self-published authors.

Format: solo/monologue with occasional interviews

New episodes: weekly (usually), on Fridays (aired from 2013 to Aug. 7, 2020)

Episode length: 30–50 minutes

Best episodes:
Sept. 6, 2019 / Ep. 197: Wordslinger at 6 Years
June 26, 2019 / Ep. 190: Content Marketing for Authors
Nov. 17, 2017 / Ep. 135: Building Author Trust with Tim Knox

Beautiful Writers Podcast

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Listen in as author Linda Sivertsen . . . brings together the world’s most beloved bestselling authors for monthly chats on writing, publishing, deal-making, spirituality, activism, and the art of romancing creativity.


Listen if: you’re looking for encouragement, advice, and insider success and failure stories from big-name authors, with behind-the-scenes publishing stories that will inform and inspire you.

Format: interviews by host, often with guest host(s)

New episodes: monthly (aired from Oct. 15, 2015 to Oct. 31, 2021)

Episode length: 60–90 minutes

Best episodes:
Jan. 22, 2021: Elizabeth Gilbert & Marie Forleo: Behind the Bestsellers
Sept. 28, 2018: Steven Pressfield & Tim Grahl: Slaying Creative Dragons
Aug. 29, 2016: Terry McMillan: Novels, Memoirs, & Films--Oh My!
Jan. 20, 2016: Seth Godin: Tribes, Blogs and Book Biz
Oct. 1, 2015: Gretchen Rubin: Creativity-Saving Habits

The Book Marketing Show with Dave Chesson

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Are you ready to increase your book sales, and hit the bestseller list consistently? Welcome to the Book Marketing Show, where in this weekly podcast Dave Chesson will not only show you some of the best book sales tactics but also bring on top-notch guests to show how each tactic taught here was a game changer for their books and how it can be for yours as well.


Listen if: you want to learn about book marketing from the experts, and you’re interested in hearing about specific topics in each episode.

Format: interviews by solo host

New episodes: weekly, on Tuesdays (show aired from Oct. 17, 2017 to Feb. 19, 2019)

Episode length: 15–35 minutes

Best episodes:
July 31, 2018 / 40: How Does Amazon Handle Reviews?
July 24, 2018 / 39: Book Press Releases and Do They Work?
Nov. 28, 2017 / 8: How to Get Book Reviews Without an Email List, Website, or Fans

The Publishing Profits Podcast

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Tom Corson-Knowles interviews the publishing industry's best authors, publishers, editors, literary agents, marketers, and attorneys to share inspiration, education and best practices. Our mission is to help authors and publishers succeed in the new era of publishing.


Listen if: you’re looking to learn how to sell more books and build your income as an author.

Format: interviews by solo host

New episodes: weekly, on Thursdays (show aired from Dec. 18, 2013 to Mar. 9, 2018)

Episode length: 20–45 minutes

Best episodes:
Feb. 22, 2018 / 177: Streamline and Clarify Your Writing to Make It More Powerful with Josh Bernof
Jul 7, 2017 / 144: What Traditional and Indie Publishers Can Teach Each Other with Jane Friedman
Dec. 18, 2013 / 1: How to Write a Bestselling Book with Robin Colucci

The Career Author Podcast

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | YouTube

Becoming a full-time writer can be overwhelming. Join J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon as they help you improve your craft and find your audience, so you too can become a career author.

Listen if: you’ve recently become a full-time author (or are planning to), or you like to hear about a wide range of topics affecting authors.

Format: conversational (co-hosted)

New episodes: weekly, on Thursdays (show aired from Jan. 4, 2018 to Oct. 28, 2020)

Episode length: 45–60 minutes

Best episodes:
May 7, 2020 (#125): The Editing Process
Nov. 7, 2019 (#98): Making a Living from Your Writing
Dec. 6, 2018 (#35): The Editor’s Six Core Questions

Create If Writing

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Create If Writing is a weekly podcast [hosted by Kirsten Oliphant] for writers and bloggers dealing with authentic platform building online.


Listen if: you’re looking for clear, clean, and practical advice from an encouraging expert with vast expertise on social media and advertising.

Format: solo/monologue

New episodes: every few weeks (show aired from Sept. 11, 2017 to May 22, 2021)

Episode length: varies

Best episodes:
Oct. 23, 2020 / 193 – Should You Publish Wide or Exclusive?
Aug. 22, 2019 / 172 – Marketing for Authors Who Hate Marketing
Apr. 12, 2019 / 158 – How to Get Reviews for Your Book
Mar. 28, 2019 / 156 – How to Use Beta and ARC Readers for Your Book

Portfolio Life by Jeff Goins

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Jeff Goins shares thoughts & ideas that will help you to pursue work that matters, make a difference with your art & discover your true voice!


Listen if: you need inspiration with some occasional tough love and need to reflect on your purpose as a writer.

Format: solo/monologue

New episodes: every one to four weeks (aired until February 4, 2021)

Episode length: varies

Best episodes:
May 18, 2020: When I Became Me: Understanding the Life of an Artist as Story
Jan. 27, 2020: What Creativity Can Do That Nothing Else Can

Book Faces Live

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Interviews with the faces behind your books. Authors, editors, narrators, and book professionals discuss a life telling stories [with Nathan Van Coops].

Listen if: you’re looking for easily digestible insights on the author business, writing tips from authors, and a kind and supportive host who offers insight from personal experience.

Format: solo/monologue and interviews

New episodes: weekly, on Wednesdays (show aired from Aug. 15, 2018 to May 28, 2020 and from Nov. 5, 2020 to Jan. 26, 2021)

Episode length: 30–60 minutes

Best episodes:
May 17, 2019: Beta Reader Kay Clark discusses proofreading for authors!
Apr. 26, 2019: Better your book descriptions and copywriting with the author of Mastering Amazon Descriptions, Brian Meeks
Nov. 9, 2018: What Authors Need to Know! Historical Romance author Elizabeth West talks about planning your year as an author and much more

Book Launch Show

Website | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Follow along as book launch expert Tim Grahl teaches you the fundamentals of launching a bestselling book. Based on his work with hundreds of authors and launching dozens of top New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other bestselling books, he will share the insights and step-by-step tactics you can use to launch your own successful book.


Listen if: you want to learn more about author marketing and platform building or you want to hear how a book marketing coach works with a client.

Format: solo/monologue prior to Nov. 2018; after Nov. 20, 2018, conversational (host coaches a client)

New episodes: weekly, on Tuesdays (show aired from Dec. 12, 2016 to July 9, 2019)

Episode length: 15–35 minutes

Best episodes:

July 9, 2019: Working With a Marketing Coach
Dec. 22, 2016: Getting Fans and Influencers to Help

Which of these podcasts do you listen to? Have you discovered any other great podcasts for authors? I’d love to hear from you.

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